Tag Archives: followers

The Internets..


I meant to post something else today, but a situation came up this morning and it needs addressing. The internets..(yes internets) sure is interesting.

I have Instagram. There are pictures of food, and beaches and my current pedicure…you know, all the really important and interesting stuff. I however cannot be contacted (serious inquiries only) at 123booty@randomemailaccount.com I’m not a “model” you know. it’s ok, I’ve come to terms with it.

This morning, I was greeted by the comment (on the last picture of a beach I posted) “hey, viv, do you want to make extra $ at home or online”. What was your initial reaction to that? Because mine was SPAM… but seeing that the guy who posted it was a follower who I’ve interacted with from time to time, I was hesitant to hit delete, maybe he was hacked or something …..right? Ok, so I reply with “Err?”. Mr dude, comes at me with, “I don’t speak Vincentian” *tilts head to the side* say what now? I tell dude that “err” is an English word, and on my island, we speak ENGLISH, thanks but no thanks on the making $, and if it isn’t spam, he needed to stop right there( Vincentian is a nationality). Bro man comes back with err means “to error” *tilts head once more* and he didn’t know how I was using it. That he was just trying to help me, if I’m angry at life I need to not take it out on my followers, if I was coming from a place of love and happiness I would realise he was joking about the language “sweetie”. SWEETIE???? really? He also told me that if I thought he was spamming me that I could then unfollow him…

Let me break something down to all you bromen out there.

1. A woman can let you know that you’re wrong without being “emotional” or angry, she can tell you about your offensiveness and ignorance without feeling the need to smash plates…or your face with a plate.

2. The use of sweetie, honey, love or any term of endearment dropped in a condescending tone to appease the over emotional/irrational/angry at life/ on PMS woman is what will make her smash that plate into your face. I don’t know you like that, I am not your sweetie, if I was, this conversation wouldn’t be happening.

3. It’s not a joke, it never was a joke, you getting your ass handed to you by a woman doesn’t make it a joke… it does make you sound slightly misogynistic though. Cause you know, what woman has the right to correct you…on her own personal page or ever.

So I decided to reply to dude, I said that I’d take his unfollow suggestion into consideration. I told him that I was quite capable of asking for help if and when I needed it, and I don’t remember asking him, IG has a DM feature, had he really wanted to “help” me, he could have easily used that and given me more details on whatever he had in mind. I informed him that my usage of the word was quite fine, I placed a question mark after it, it was a question, as in ” err?, mistake?, slip up? WTF?” I let him know that it is quite offensive and ignorant to tell someone that you don’t speak “Vincentian/Jamaican…etc” because while we ENGLISH speaking countries have various accents and dialects, we speak, yep you guessed it… *drumroll* ENGLISH. I finished by letting him know  that I was not angry, I was quite ok before his oddball comment, and I was still ok, and would continue to be so, that I wasn’t his sweetie and it wasn’t necessary for him to drop that to appease the agitated female.

I left IG and went to get some water, by the time I returned, the picture (of a beach) was gone, and so were all his comments and likes on other pictures. I was unfollowed people…..unfollowed. I really did well with holding back the tears, cause you know I was butt hurt about it, *Kevin Hart head tilt*. All that remained was for me to unfollow and block him. I’m guessing that bro man reported my picture as inappropriate. I can’t say for certain, I’ve never had anything like that happen before.

Y’all , the internets is sure an interesting place.